In a recent exchange on Threads, I said that one of the most jarring experiences I’ve had since becoming a university lecturer is being on the opposite side of a student presentation. Supervising student research is another experience which is very new to me, and to be honest, it still is.
Last year (technically, November 2022) I took on my first supervisees - two undergraduate students who needed to conduct a final year research project. It was a brand new experience for me, being responsible for research other than my own. To make things more interesting, these were undergraduate students with zero research experience, making my guidance even more vital for them.
They submitted their research report a while ago and earlier this week, they presented their research at the faculty's 25th Dental Students Scientific Conference. This presentation would count towards their grade for the research, and there were even awards for the best presentations and the best research projects overall.
Surprisingly, I found myself quite anxious during the awards ceremony. Which is weird, because I would usually feel that way after presenting my own research. But here I was a supervisor, not a student. And yet, those feelings of anxiety and excitement as I awaited the announcement of the winners were still there.
And wouldn't you know it, my students won! They came in second place for best presentation and best overall research! I was thrilled that my students won! I couldn't tell if I was more excited about the win or if my students were!
In any case, this is the first time I've experienced a “win” as a supervisor, and it feels quite good. I am so proud of my students and so happy for them. They worked really hard, prepared thoroughly for the presentation, and it all paid off. Hopefully, this will be the first of many “wins” I experience as a supervisor.
28th April 2024